سیّدمجتبی جلال‌زاده

پژوهشگر، نویسنده و تحلیل‌گر حوزه روابط بین‌الملل

سیّدمجتبی جلال‌زاده

پژوهشگر، نویسنده و تحلیل‌گر حوزه روابط بین‌الملل

سیّدمجتبی جلال‌زاده

+دانش‌آموخته کارشناسی‌ارشد روابط بین‌الملل

+نویسنده و پژوهشگر
+ سردبیر پایگاه خبری
+دبیر سرویس بین‌الملل پایگاه خبری
+عضو پیوسته انجمن علوم سیاسی ایران
+عضو پیوسته انجمن ایرانی روابط بین‌الملل
+تحلیل‌گر مسائل بین‌الملل و آمریکا در شبکه‌های تلویزیونی، رادیویی و رسانه‌های خبری

Mojtaba Jalalzadeh
Graduate of International Relations
Author and International Affairs Analyst

کد شامد:

شبکه‌های اجتماعی من

America must pay for its irrational decisions

دوشنبه, ۸ مهر ۱۳۹۸، ۱۰:۱۳ ب.ظ

mbs news - September 30, 2019


The United States has caused damage to the economy and livelihood of the Iranian people by withdrawing from unreasonable decisions.

Mohsen Rezaei, secretary of the Iranian Expediency Council, called the US sanctions against Iran cruel, saying that the United States has even imposed some sanctions, such as those of the Central Bank of Iran, twice, indicating their failure.

Many say that Trump will not vote in the second term, Mohs Rezai said. If someone else, like Trump, comes in, it is not clear that we will go back to Brajam, and we want conditions beyond Brajam. If they want us to go back to America, they must not only return, but also have to pay us at least $ 50 billion in damages.

Mojtaba Jalalzadeh Researcher, Expert on International Affairs and US Policies on Interaction with Iran In this regard he told Sputnik:

It should be noted at the outset that Mr. Mohsen Rezaei's talk may not necessarily be the official stance of the Islamic Republic of Iran, but if he were a person within the system, it would certainly be a sign of the tendency of the main body of authority to do so. .

In fact, the United States has been causing damage to the Iranian economy and people's livelihoods by leaving and not executing the brokerage for the past several months. US unilateral and cruel sanctions, according to Mr. Zarif, "economic terrorism" against the Islamic Republic of Iran has resulted in damages that should be compensated. But what the amount and size of this amount is, experts should ask. At the same time, Americans must accept to act responsibly internationally and accept the value of their irrational decisions.

Given the political and legal nature of the US sanctions, which have a larger political dimension, it seems unlikely, given the context and structure of the international system, and in particular international law, that the Islamic Republic can pursue the legal dimensions of these damages. Or if you pursue the desired outcome. But the Islamic Republic reserves the right to bring these cases to the attention of the international courts to protect the rights of the Iranian people, but how successful these actions are in the future must be postponed and allowed. Let time clear up all the issues.

The points raised in this article are the views and opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Sputnik editorial board.

موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۹۸/۰۷/۰۸

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